Team Chart

Team Charting Tool

Team Charts allow you to plot a group of people on one chart to get an at-a-glance view of their personality styles. For example, you can see if most of the group is task-oriented, or if the group is mainly people-oriented. You can also click on individual plotting points on the graph to view summary information on each person. Summary charts are also available for each person in the group. Fill in the information below and click on the "View Team Chart" button.


List of Access Codes (Required)

Access Codes:

Enter the list of ACCESS CODES for your team in the box below and then click on the "View Team Chart" button  


Note: Codes are case-sensitive.
Here is an example list of 6 codes


Other Settings (Optional)

Charting Preferences:

Plot using:
Text color:
Text size:
Chart size:
medium size recommended, especially for saving as PDF

Chart Title:

This will be printed at the top of your Team Chart Examples: "The Sales Team" or "Training Class"

Include Individual Graphs?

Yes Leave this box checked to include individual graphs of each team member in the report

Spread out the plotting points?

Yes Leave this box checked to spead out the plotting points to minimize overlap. Uncheck for more exact plotting results (may result in more overlap).


Reading Team Charts - Group Patterns:

Team Chart Patterns to look for

Tips on using the combined team graph:

1. Keep in mind that the results of the personality tests can be further explored for each person by clicking on their plotting point on the graph.

2. Be aware that charts with a large number of codes (50+) may occasionally not work properly if the server is overloaded. If you have trouble, you may need to try again later. If you experience technical difficulty, then please contact our support team.

3. Keep in mind the major divisions of the chart ... Outgoing vs. Reserved and Task-oriented vs. People-oriented. Look for whether the group is weighted towards one side or the other. That can indicate the flavor of the organization.

4. Keep in mind that everyone is a blend of all 4 personality styles. This graph is not meant to "pin" anyone down. The graph is intended to be one view of the group. Use this as a tool - as a way to envision an organizational snapshot.

Copyright 2013 Discovery Report